API and formats documentation — a work in progress we didn't completed

youtube.tracking.exposed, how to access JSON and CSV content for public of via personal access token

Metadata for type ‘video’

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  wetest-1-basic — step,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
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  wetest-1-basic — recommendedVideoId,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
  wetest-1-basic — recommendedAuthor,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +2ms
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  wetest-1-basic — watchedViews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +2ms
  wetest-1-basic — watchedChannel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +2ms

Metadata type ‘home’

  wetest-1-basic — Produced 4132743 bytes for text/csv, saving file +884ms

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  wetest-1-basic — experiment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
  wetest-1-basic — step,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
  wetest-1-basic — parameter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,undefined: 100% +1ms
  wetest-1-basic — sectionName,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
  wetest-1-basic — selectedVideoId,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +1ms
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  wetest-1-basic — selectedTitle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 92.1% | undefined: 7.9% +1ms
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  wetest-1-basic — selectedLengthText,,,,,,,,,,,undefined: 17.1% | string: 82.9% +2ms
  wetest-1-basic — selectedPubTime,,,,,,,,,,,,,,object: 92.1% | null: 7.9% +2ms
  wetest-1-basic — ptPrecision,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,string: 100% +0ms
  wetest-1-basic — selectedRelativeS,,,,,,,,,,,,int: 92.1% | undefined: 7.9% +1ms
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API Index

Name Description URL
Personal see details /v1/personal/$userToken/$paging
Personal Related see details /v1/personal/$userToken/related/$paging
Personal CSV see details /v1/personal/$userToken/csv
VideoId see details /v1/videoId/$videoToken
VideoId Related see details /v1/related/$videoToken
VideoId Csv see details /v1/videoCSV/$videoToken/$paging
Statistics see details /v2/statistics
Last see details /v1/last
Author see details /v1/author/John%20Malecki
HTML ID see details /v1/htmlId/$id





Retrieves personal information on your profile, the last videos you watched and the list of related (suggested) videos.

Data unit: video metadata.

Sample Usage

Request: https://youtube.tracking.exposed/api/v1/personal/HIDDEN/1


{ "profile": { "publicKey": "HIDDEN", "creationTime": "2019-04-15T14:33:28.106Z", "p": "waffle-mint-milk", "lastActivity": "2019-09-02T21:41:23.391Z", "version": "1.1.8" }, "recent": [ { "id": "607e0278f605f231393df390d291933de413ed33", "authorName": "Ленинград | Leningrad", "authorSource": "/channel/UCY0C6A3t3RTUN3BB65rWAgQ", "likeInfo": { "likes": "415,808 likes", "dislikes": "50,569 dislikes" }, "publicationString": "Published on May 28, 2019", "related": [ { "index": 1, "title": "The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe - Strange Stars Explained", "verified": true, "source": "Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell", "vizstr": "6M views4 months ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "p_8yK2kmxoo", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe - Strange Stars Explained by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 4 months ago 8 minutes, 28 seconds 6,057,728 views" }, { "index": 2, "title": "L'ORGANIZZAZIONE ALBA™ in ordine di FORZA", "verified": false, "source": "Fear of Unknown™", "vizstr": "173K views5 months ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "gowj9u3LWSs", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "L'ORGANIZZAZIONE ALBA™ in ordine di FORZA by Fear of Unknown™ 5 months ago 10 minutes 173,561 views" }, { "index": 3, "title": "The Day We Almost Set the World on Fire", "verified": false, "source": "Because Science", "vizstr": "468K views2 weeks ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "NFjVUSOnPzo", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "The Day We Almost Set the World on Fire by Because Science 2 weeks ago 14 minutes 468,825 views" }, { "index": 4, "title": "Building a Marsbase is a Horrible Idea: Let’s do it!", "verified": true, "source": "Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell", "vizstr": "5.9M views6 months ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "uqKGREZs6-w", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "Building a Marsbase is a Horrible Idea: Let’s do it! by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell 6 months ago 9 minutes, 22 seconds 5,960,159 views" }, { "index": 5, "title": "Kakashi diventa il Sesto Hokage, Naruto ottiene un nuovo braccio [Sub ITA]", "verified": false, "source": "DBSMomentsHD ITA", "vizstr": "81K views6 days ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "e4sG7-WQDbg", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "Kakashi diventa il Sesto Hokage, Naruto ottiene un nuovo braccio [Sub ITA] by DBSMomentsHD ITA 6 days ago 4 minutes, 35 seconds 81,415 views" }, { "index": 6, "title": "How Black Holes Could Turn Jupiter Into a Star", "verified": false, "source": "Because Science", "vizstr": "178K views1 day ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "lQh7RordK3Q", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "How Black Holes Could Turn Jupiter Into a Star by Because Science 1 day ago 12 minutes 178,362 views" }, { "index": 7, "title": "Consultazioni Conte, Di Maio (M5s): \"I nostri punti siano nel programma o è meglio il voto\"", "verified": true, "source": "La Repubblica", "vizstr": "43K views8 hours ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "JxBEuSZtFnI", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "Consultazioni Conte, Di Maio (M5s): \"I nostri punti siano nel programma o è meglio il voto\" by La Repubblica 8 hours ago 10 minutes 43,027 views" }, { "index": 8, "title": "Pd-M5S. L'accordo non c'è, anzi sì, forse no. Il videoracconto del giorno più lungo della crisi", "verified": true, "source": "Fanpage.it", "vizstr": "30K views13 hours ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "DzGWfAkRhnA", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "Pd-M5S. L'accordo non c'è, anzi sì, forse no. Il videoracconto del giorno più lungo della crisi by Fanpage.it 13 hours ago 4 minutes, 43 seconds 30,307 views" }, { "index": 9, "title": "Governo M5s- Pd, le consultazioni di Conte a Montecitorio", "verified": true, "source": "La Repubblica", "vizstr": "16K viewsStreamed 9 hours ago", "foryou": false, "videoId": "N79gZ9FJIKU", "displayTime": null, "expandedTime": null, "longlabel": "Governo M5s- Pd, le consultazioni di Conte a Montecitorio by La Repubblica Streamed 9 hours ago 5 hours 16,488 views" } ], "savingTime": "2019-08-30T23:24:34.513Z", "title": "Ленинград — Кабриолет", "videoId": "Z8qU0GdW88Q", "viewInfo": { "viewStr": "37,814,277 views", "viewNumber": 37814277 }, "watcher": "waffle-mint-milk", "relative": "3 days ago" } ] }




Extracts only the list of related videos for Personal API. Paging retrieves the entire list of suggested videos per unit.

Data unit: related video.

Sample Usage

Request: https://youtube.tracking.exposed/api/v1/personal/HIDDEN/related/1-1


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Costantino e Michele: situazione politica e prospettive.", "source": "Michele Boldrin", "vizstr": "22K viewsStreamed 1 week ago", "suggestionOrder": 22, "displayLength": null, "watched": "Ленинград — Кабриолет", "since": "Published on May 28, 2019", "credited": "Ленинград | Leningrad", "channel": "/channel/UCY0C6A3t3RTUN3BB65rWAgQ", "savingTime": "2019-08-30T23:24:34.513Z", "watcher": "waffle-sage-milk", "watchedId": "Z8qU0GdW88Q" } ]





Same as personal, but data is retrieved as comma-separated-values.

Data unit: related video.





Provides a list of unique observations of the video with metadata on the video itself, such as likes and dislikes at the time of watching, with the pseudo-username for the watcher and a list of videos which were suggested for that observation.

Data unit: video metadata.

Sample Usage

Request: https://youtube.tracking.exposed/api/v1/videoId/dQw4w9WgXcQ


{ "id": "47c16bdc2358e51110003a626d822a61e6bc908f", "authorName": "Official Rick Astley", "authorSource": "/channel/UCuAXFkgsw1L7xaCfnd5JJOw", "likeInfo": { "likes": "3.831.159 Mi piace", "dislikes": "166.512 Non mi piace" }, "publicationString": "Pubblicato il 24 ott 2009", "related": [ { "index": 1, "title": "Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video) di Eurythmics 9 anni fa", "source": "Eurythmics\nCanale ufficiale dell'artista\n•", "vizstr": "345 Mln visualizzazioni", "videoId": "qeMFqkcPYcg", "displayTime": "3:35", "expandedTime": "3 minuti e 35 secondi", "viz": "345.611.986 visualizzazioni", "duration": "35 secondi", "timeago": "3 minuti e" }, { "index": 2, "title": "LEZIONI DI CHITARRA IRRITANTI di Mark The Hammer / Marco Arata 2 mesi fa", "source": "Mark The Hammer / Marco Arata•", "vizstr": "Consigliato per te", "videoId": "chq0kA6kJzs", "displayTime": "4:54", "expandedTime": "4 minuti e 54 secondi", "viz": "391.075 visualizzazioni", "duration": "54 secondi", "timeago": "4 minuti e" }, { "index": 3, "title": "RIESCI A SCAPPARE DAL TEATRO ABBANDONATO? - Minecraft ITA di ErenBlaze", "source": "ErenBlaze\nVerificato\n•", "vizstr": "Consigliato per te", "videoId": "MW_WQENS98Y", "displayTime": "17:28", "expandedTime": "17 minuti", "viz": "5.593 visualizzazioni", "duration": "17 minuti", "timeago": "28 minuti fa" }, { "index": 4, "title": "Top 10 Best Auditions The Voice In The World di mike max", "source": "mike max•", "vizstr": "37 Mln visualizzazioni", "videoId": "qi8O1-SErr8", "displayTime": "17:12", "expandedTime": "17 minuti", "viz": "37.585.261 visualizzazioni", "duration": "17 minuti", "timeago": "2 anni fa" }], "savingTime": "2019-05-27T16:32:28.196Z", "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)", "videoId": "dQw4w9WgXcQ", "viewInfo": { "viewStr": "564.061.689 visualizzazioni", "viewNumber": 564061689 }, "watcher": "icecream-pie-tea" } ]





Given a videoId, it provides a list of videos for which the given videoId was suggested as recommended.

Data unit: video metadata.

Sample Usage

Request: https://youtube.tracking.exposed/api/v1/related/dQw4w9WgXcQ


{ "id": "cf03ae37b84ccbb0cd21594bf8ea16a9c22c174d", "authorName": "Village People", "authorSource": "/channel/UCeWkruiHm7NL7OvjPyVshkw", "likeInfo": { "likes": "34.353 Mi piace", "dislikes": "704 Non mi piace" }, "publicationString": "Pubblicato il 8 nov 2014", "related": [ { "title": "Billie Jean", "source": "Michael Jackson", "index": 1, "videoId": "Kr4EQDVETuA" }, { "title": "Lipps Inc - Funky Town", "source": "Sunil Varghese", "index": 2, "videoId": "RcVuyiMUt9k" }, { "title": "Olivia Newton John. John Travolta - GREASE / グリース 1978", "source": "Omoto Nagie", "index": 3, "videoId": "bkWevngKTcw" }, { "title": "All Star - Smash Mouth [Lyrics]", "source": "FourLyrics", "index": 4, "videoId": "5ZYgIrqELFw" }, { "title": "Poker Face", "source": "Lady Gaga", "index": 5, "videoId": "HqK4-dIiKY8" }, { "title": "01.Donna Summer - Hot Stuff (Bad Girls) 1979 HQ", "source": "Mathiaz Gabriel 80's", "index": 6, "videoId": "PBDjUtCyMYo" }, { "title": "Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (1977)", "source": "beegees", "index": 7, "videoId": "I_izvAbhExY" }, { "title": "Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Vol 1 Vol 2 Full Soundtrack", "source": "Felipe Thiesen", "index": 8, "videoId": "Kt-tLuszKBA&t=403s" }, { "title": "a-ha - Take On Me (Legendado)", "source": "Fabricio Moreira", "index": 9, "videoId": "YKQkTMGhxQo" }, { "title": "Wake Me up Before You Go-Go", "source": "Whamtv", "index": 10, "videoId": "R14lGgHgVJM" }, { "title": "Mambo number 5 - Lou Bega - Lyrics", "source": "Janneke Al", "index": 11, "videoId": "bu7h_md33So" }, { "title": "Rock DJ", "source": "Robbie Williams", "index": 12, "videoId": "ZLyyT9yW9kA" }, { "title": "Queen - I want to break free (subtitulado al español)", "source": "arthur hersan", "index": 13, "videoId": "JEBpBUEuI-Q" }, { "title": "Los Lobos & Gipsy Kings - La Bamba (With Lyrics)", "source": "ShakurC", "index": 14, "videoId": "oxPWVX-qSrQ" }, { "title": "Eye of the Tiger", "source": "Survivor Band", "index": 15, "videoId": "i3UVZaIcL6k" }, { "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)", "source": "Official Rick Astley", "index": 16, "videoId": "dQw4w9WgXcQ" } ], "savingTime": "2019-07-11T21:36:10.492Z", "title": "YMCA (Original Version 1978)", "videoId": "RN8Li7kYNnw", "viewInfo": { "viewStr": "3.043.626 visualizzazioni", "viewNumber": 3043626 }, "watcher": "okra-pie-cucumber", "timeago": "2 months" }]

Video Csv




Same as VideoId API, but as comma-separated-values file.

Data unit: related video.





It provides statistics on the node, given specific keys.

Statistics API provide data to compile the public statistics. Statistics is an interface shared among other Tracking Exposed project, for example facebook.

Required three mandatory parameters:





Provides a JSON with the last 20 global video observations including metadata on the video watched,the pseudo-username and the related videos.





Provides a JSON with all the videos suggested after videos observed in a specific channel.

Data unit: video metadata.

Sample Usage

Request: https://youtube.tracking.exposed/api/v1/author/John%20Malecki


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Special API for debugging, it retrieves raw scraped HTML for specific saved HTML ids.