The COP* debate on Youtube
*Collective Observation Project
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The CO-Project steps
01. Discuss the CO-Project at the pre-COP
At this talk, and at the climate camp with activists
02. Run the CO-Project during the COP
A collective data collection will be carry out along with automated techniques
03. Discuss the results
Releasing the report and discussing it with the community (before climate collapses)
Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges of our time,
Google 2019 Environmental Report
and continued greenhouse gas emissions pose an existential threat to humanity.
Climate Misinformation
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"For the search term “global warming,” 16% of the top 100 related videos included under the up-next feature and suggestions bar had misinformation about climate change."
"YouTube is driving its users to climate misinformation and the world’s most trusted brands are paying for it."

Eni fined for €5 millions because of "deceptive" claims that palm oil biodiesel is 'green', misleading consumers in an advertisement campaign Wall Street Journal
Is Greenwashing targeting climate activists?
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Let's compare the ads provided us while watching climate videos
The opposite of AVAAZ: we collect the greenwashing ads targeting climate activists' videos
Monitoring Greenwashing on Youtube
01. Greenwashing advertising
Brands benefit from the ora of climate acitivist to place adverstisement on their content
Greenwashing creates wrong associations between concepts -
02. Give back control to Youtubers
Content creators don't have any visibility or control on the ads that are placed on their content.
This is frustrating for many of them -
03. Brands are not always the victims
Harming youtubers should be a good reason to change too
Next ADpocalypse should be bottom-up
A browser extension that enables users to see
recommendations from content creators, directly on YouTube.
A software to passivily scrape and collect algorithm's outputs
(such as videos suggested in the hompage, suggestions bar, ads...)
To be released by the end of 2021
for updates subscribe at
(such as videos suggested in the hompage, suggestions bar, ads...)
To be released by the end of 2021
for updates subscribe at
for updates subscribe at
Methodology of the Collective Observation
Collective Observation
People around the web, te same day, perform the same list of actions on Youtube
The browser extension
Youchoose tool will record all the ads seen by the users with their own profile
Independent data collection
No official APIs involved
Join the COP!
Participate in the research as academic and/or activist
Download the add-on
and collect data with us.